Unlock Your Emotions to Unlock You!: Learn to be emotionally knowledgeable to be able to achieve anything you dream of!
Check it out here: www.amazon.com/dp/B08S2QSH94
Over the past 2 years I had to overcome PTSD symptoms after going through the worst break-up of my life. I promised myself that if I managed to heal and completely transform my life, I will holds other people’s hands to go through this journey.
After reading 110 books in 1 year and becoming someone I never thought I could who achieved things I thought were impossible, I realized that what really is the key to unlocking our true potential this is our ability to master our own emotions and those of others.
I created a 60 days challenge to help you master your emotions as well as I collected 100 quotes to inspire you along the journey. I promise you – YOU will become EXTRAORDINARY by unlocking your emotions!